
Monday, June 4, 2012

Where Men Wear Skirts...

It is common to see men dressed casually wearing a type of skirt that is very popular among Middle Eastern/Asian men. It is called a "futa." It is just a simple large piece of fabric sewn together with one seam, and open at the top and the bottom. The man steps into it, folds it across his belly back and forth about three times, and then folds it down from the top a few times. There is no need for a belt to hold it up. My husband likes to wear them at home, as the futas are very comfortable. Many men like to wear them out, like the man in this photo who has just walked down to this small neighborhood grocery store.


  1. Its very common here in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. Most common name is LUNGI. Its the most comfortable attire for men. We even offer salat in clean Lungis.

    1. Thanks, Hussain - my husband likes to lounge around the house in his and he also prays in it as well too.

  2. I keep telling Mike a skirt is comfortable. But in this country, well.....

    1. They really are pretty comfortable, Gaelyn - and they are VERY easy to make! Just fold a piece of cloth in half and sew one side together, leaving the top and bottom open. That's all there is to it. Maybe Mike could just try it around the house... !!!

  3. Not a look for me. I know it is just clothing but it does look odd.

    1. Well, Jerry, even manly men around here don't have a problem with wearing them! I guess if you were brought up that way, it might be different.

    2. In tick country in MN where I live I don't see the skirt as practical outside (my wife rarely wares a skirt).

  4. Indonesian, Malaysian, and Brunei called it 'Sarung'

  5. i like to use that when I'm in praying -sarung and khimar-, its comfort enough :)


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