
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Goodies: Create Your Own Juice

Perhaps due to the fact that alcoholic beverages of any kind are strictly prohibited in Saudi Arabia, the selection of fresh juice drinks is plentiful and imaginative. Many restaurants offer a create-your-own juice bar, where the customer selects the fresh fruit she wants, and then an attendant creates the concoction on the spot. This delectable array of fresh fruit is the juice bar display at Goodies Restaurant in Stars Avenue Mall. Goodies is a Lebanese restaurant, set up like an amazing deli, with huge glass display cabinets where the customer walks through and selects from fresh meats, salads, pastas, vegetables, desserts. The order is then cooked to perfection and brought to the customer. Yum!


  1. Wow, I had not heard about this. It sounds great! They don't use the Magic Bullet do they? Haha.


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