
Monday, November 19, 2012

Censorship Confusion

This is a really huge sign inside a mall in Jeddah.  I just don't understand why whoever put this sign up felt that the two girls' faces on the left needed to be blurred out, while the girl on the right wasn't.  It's all so confusing to me...


  1. They need to either go back to living in a restricted society without modern shopping malls and ads prepared by western ad agencies or accept that standards have changed. In their traditional society there was no modern communication and all that goes with it. There is no way to be half modern and half traditional without have crazy things like the ad you photographed.

    They way they have done it makes it doubly absurd. They have chosen to grow their economy by importing labor rather than doing things themselves (some skills would have had to be imported but certainly Saudi men could build their own country). So, they have imported millions of foreigners who don't share their values. They import foreign shops run by businesses who don't share their values. If they had used their own people to build their country and staff their businesses there would be no need for the level of censorship that they employ. Instead cheap labor has become a kind of drug.

    1. You know, Jerry - you are absolutely right. Another thing is that if they had used their own people to build their country, there would be a lot more pride here as well. They have created quite a few problems for themselves with the ways they have gone about things, and I don't know how they are going to solve them. Thanks for your input.

  2. Age? Maybe the ones on the left looked more like adults or older teenagers- 15 or 16? - whilst the one on the right still looks prepubescent - 10/11?

    I don't know - the lack of consistency in censorship in this place confuses me too - I've learned to shake my head and raise my eyebrows when I see this type of thing!

    1. Hi DianneC - I think all the girls looked about the same age, early teens. I'm sure this was done by some exec from the store and not by any gov't censors. I wouldn't mind so much if there was consistency instead of no rhyme or reason.

  3. That would be a bit confusing.

  4. Confusing and strange when the clothing style seems contrary to that which is accepted and worn in your country too.

  5. Strange are the ways of the world indeed!


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