
Friday, November 16, 2012

SkyWatch: Camel Sculptures

Followers of this blog know that Jeddah is a city graced with amazing public art in the form of sculptures all over the city. This particular sculpture by Rabi Al Akras features two gigantic camels which inhabit the center of an enormous traffic roundabout in North Jeddah's Obhur District. Each camel is divided into three separate parts (for religious reasons) and is quite exaggerated in its style.  You can see how tall the sculptures are when compared to the surrounding palm trees.  They are a considerable distance apart within the roundabout, although from this perspective they appear to be close together. I have previously published two other photos of this sculpture. To see them, just CLICK HERE and HERE.

To visit MORE friendly skies around the world, fly on over to SKYWATCH where you’ll find beautiful skies posted by bloggers all over the world.


  1. Thanks, Kerri - The city of Jeddah is full of unusual and amazing sculptures.

  2. i really like this sculpture! fabulous stylized rendition of a camel.

  3. Never thought that art of this size could stand on public space in arabia. Everyday learning something new. Thanks for showing.

  4. Great sculptures and beautiful skies, Susie! Makes for a terrific capture for the day. Hope all is well with your and your family!!

  5. Those sculptures are so elegant and eye-catching!

  6. beautiful sculptures... and a wonderful sky!

  7. 'Divided into three for religious purposes'......I must Google that!

  8. Rinkly - The religious aspect has to do with idolatry worship - so all living creatures here are not portrayed in their complete image, so as to avoid their being worshiped or prayed to. Body parts are thought to be okay, but not living creatures in their entirety.


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