
Saturday, January 26, 2013

"Australia" - CDP Theme Day

City Daily Photo is an online community of photo bloggers from around the world, sharing the wonders of their area of the world pictorially with others.  Each month there are different themes that CDP members can participate in.  This month's theme is "Australia Day," so even though I don't live in Australia, we CPD members are invited to post about the land down under. 

The above photo was taken at an animal park outside of Sydney in 1988 when I was in the travel business.  I have been lucky enough to have visited Australia three times.  I absolutely adore Australia.  I also enjoy taking amusing photos!

Please visit the CDP portal to view other participants' entries for today's theme day about Australia. 


  1. Haha! you have the 'Kangaroo' move going on there Susie, super shot for today's theme.

    1. Thanks! I thought it was a good pick for today's theme. I just wish I had a more recent photos to choose from.

  2. Hehe, good one! All you needed were big ears and a tail for a perfect mimicking.
    I love Australia too. My daughter and her family live in Sydney. It is a nation so different from the Mideast, eh?

    1. Hi Dina - I'd really love to take another trip Down Under. It's one of my favorite countries ever.

  3. I saw this post earlier this morning but didn't read it. Just looked at the photo again and realized its you (long ago in a galaxy far away)! Nice pose.


I welcome your comments and questions, but please be nice!