
Friday, February 1, 2013

Umbrellas: CDP Theme Day

City Daily Photo is an online community of photo bloggers from around the world, sharing the wonders of their area of the world pictorially with others.  Each month there are different themes that CDP members can participate in.  This month's theme is "Umbrellas."  

Today's photo was taken this past week in the Turkish-Afghani Handicrafts Souk, where there are many products to purchase such as carpets, furniture, jewelry, textiles, lanterns, pottery, baskets, clothing, and fresh produce.  And there is an umbrella in the very center of the picture, albeit closed.

Please visit the City Daily Photo portal to view other participants' entries for today's theme day of "Umbrellas." 


  1. Your closed umbrella is so appropriately placed.

  2. Lovely market, is every stall supposes to use the same colore umbrella?

  3. Interesting entry!
    I imagine umbrellas are an important tool there. Being from Asia, we use it to block the sun but in Hungary , I'Ve never dared to open it as people give me funny looks...

  4. wow, i'd love to wander through this market!


I welcome your comments and questions, but please be nice!