
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Our World: Blind Old Man

While visiting the Turkish and Afghani souk area down in Old Jeddah, I captured this quiet old man resting, sitting on a rock.  Although weather worn, his clothes are clean and he seems well cared for.  In his hand he is holding a few riyals, given to him by passersby.

CLICK HERE for the link to a map of the location of Old Jeddah's Turkish and Afghani souk.

Be sure to visit OUR WORLD TUESDAY, where family-friendly bloggers share a unique glimpse into what life is like all around our ever-amazing planet.


  1. It's a fine picture. I wish him well.

  2. A touching shot. I do hope he is cared for!

  3. Somehow it's harder to see the elderly begging than the young. A comfortable old age seems only fair after so many years no matter what life has been like before.

  4. He looks very cared for!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. He looks good...but still ....he should be sitting in a tea house with his friends.


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