
Friday, May 17, 2013

SkyWatch: Jeddah Compound Living

Many expats who come to Saudi Arabia to work prefer to live in gated and guarded communities called compounds.  Many compounds offer recreational facilities and activities, shops, and restaurants within their walls.  In Jeddah, there is a shortage for this type of housing and most compounds have very long waiting lists to get in. Because of all the extra amenities they offer, this housing comes at a premium cost.  Many expats negotiate to have housing included in their work contracts. 

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  1. I miss Jeddah so much after seeing that picture. My father worked for Saudia, so I lived in Saudia City but visited all the other compounds too in order to meet with friends from school. What I would give to turn back time!!!

  2. The palm trees look lovely against that blue sky!

  3. Looks like a great place to live - but the downside is being segregated from 'real' life.

  4. The compounds must be very nice, indeed. The one you have featured here is lovely. Hope you have a nice w/end. :)

  5. Very beautiful photo for SWF,Susie and thank you for sharing!Great place where you live!Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Nice place. I used to work for a company that contributed engineers to Aramco. Many of coworkers loved living there and they talked about the compounds.


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