
Monday, July 1, 2013

Facade: CDP Theme Day

This is the beautiful facade of the Angawi house, a private residence in Jeddah, which was built and is owned by Jeddah's most famous architect Dr. Sami Angawi.  Local stone and crushed coral were used for the main structure while detailing was accomplished with a variety of techniques and Middle Eastern design elements, such as the traditional wooden window coverings of Jeddah called "roshan." I'll be featuring other views of this magnificent home in future posts, so stay tuned.

Today is the first of the month, which means it's theme day for City Daily Photo bloggers.  City Daily Photo is an online community of photo bloggers from around the world, sharing the wonders of their area of the world pictorially with others.  Each month there are different themes that CDP members can participate in.  This month's theme is "Facade."  

Please visit the City Daily Photo portal to view other participants' entries for today's theme day of "Facade." 


  1. It is gorgeous!
    Crush coral, wow.

  2. A very nice building. I don't usually care for Arab style buildings but that is probably because so many are just put together by builders and not designed by a real architect.

  3. Truly magnificent facade!
    Do you know where the crushed coral comes from?

  4. Very stylish building, great theme day contribution.

  5. Lovely facade! Great color too.

  6. Can we visit this place? And where is it located? I saw a mini documentary about it and really wanted to visit it.

    1. Hi Soumaya - If you message me at:
      I will try to put you in touch with someone who may be able to help you. I do believe, however, that tours are for groups only.


I welcome your comments and questions, but please be nice!