
Monday, January 6, 2014

Rain: A Rare Sight

It rarely rains in Jeddah, and that is no exaggeration.  I love rain.  It's cleansing and it makes the air smell so fresh and clean.  It doesn't rain enough here in Jeddah.  When it does rain, it is usually big news.  Most schools will close, many businesses may even shut down, and streets can easily flood.  It was a pleasant surprise that it rained recently.  It was even more surprising to see this man walking down the street holding an umbrella.  He must have brought it with him from his native country because I can't recall ever seeing umbrellas for sale here - although they would come in handy as a sun shield ...


  1. I dont wanna be a pessimist but the streets are flooded when it rains in jeddah !!!!

    1. Hi Raheel - Yes, it can be a real problem. But I do love the rain and wish it rained more here.

  2. Rain must feel like a special gift. Hope you went out on the roof and danced.

    1. Hi Gaelyn - Yes, I did! The shot in this post was taken from up there.

  3. We are hoping for much-needed rain here in California. I love the rain, too! Luckily we don't have too much flooding along with our rains. Happy new year!

    1. Hi Linnea - Happy New Year to you too. And thanks for stopping by.


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