
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Jeddah: Graffiti Everywhere

Graffiti is a big problem and an eyesore in Jeddah.  While a lot of the graffiti that I have seen in other places around the world is artistic, most of the graffiti here in Jeddah is sloppy scribbles or juvenile looking drawings.
There has always been graffiti here, but lately it seems that it has become a bigger problem than before.  And it's much uglier and sloppier than ever before too. 
I love public art, but this is not art by any stretch of the imagination.  I find it depressing...


  1. I know that Saudis can be personally clean but foreigners who see photos of the country, assume they are dirty because the outside surroundings are so badly cared for.

  2. Najmah (estelle-rou ER on twitter)February 6, 2014 at 5:56 AM

    Salam Alaikum, it is a visual pollution. How sad for Muslims to do that !

  3. I don't like this either. The big push here is to discourage it by commissioning murals for many highly visible walls.

    1. Hi RedPat - I have seen graffiti in other places that I actually like. The wall murals are a great idea. Wish it could be done here....

  4. I really hate graffiti. I went to college in NYC from 1969 to 1973 when graffiti really boomed. It went from pen scratches to spray paint. Perhaps it is an art form elsewhere but in NYC in the early 70's it was ugly.


I welcome your comments and questions, but please be nice!