
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Our World: Unexpected Outfit

Sometimes I am taken aback by the products or store displays in this ultra-conservative and religious country of Saudi Arabia.  From the tank top saying "I like you," to the plaid short shorts, to the strappy gladiator style heels, and all the exposed skin in between, I certainly didn't expect to see something like this in the Forever 21 window display of a popular mall in Jeddah. 

In other shops here, I have seen marijuana graphics on clothing and accessories - in a country where the penalty for drug trafficking is death.


Be sure to visit OUR WORLD TUESDAY, where family-friendly bloggers share a unique glimpse into what life is like all around our ever-amazing planet.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Arabic Business Signs

Colorful signs adorn businesses in Jeddah.  Day laborers looking for work wait in the back of trucks parked on the street. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Jeddah: Graphic Business Sign

Business signs here in Jeddah area often written in both Arabic and English.  If the sign is only written in Arabic, usually there will also be graphics to indicate what type of business it is. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Jeddah Villa

Typically villas in Jeddah are surrounded by high walls for privacy.  Tinted metallic glass is a favorite choice for buildings here, also providing privacy and reflecting the heat.  Even though many villas and apartment buildings have balconies, I have rarely caught a glimpse of anyone utilizing the balconies.

Friday, September 26, 2014

SkyWatch: Al Balad Scene

I love shots like this. Women and children walking by.  Laundry drying in the sun, hung on the balcony.  A slice of life in Jeddah.

To  visit MORE friendly skies around the world, fly on over to SKYWATCH  where you’ll find beautiful skies posted by bloggers all over the world.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Jeddah: Residential Buildings

Many apartment buildings in Jeddah are roughly the same size, shape, and design. The only differences appear to be in the finishing materials and the shapes of the windows.  In denser populated areas, I feel claustrophobic around buildings like these and almost feel that they are falling down upon me.  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bigger Than Life

Bigger than life images of the King can be seen all over the city of Jeddah. 

I try to focus on the positives about living here in Saudi Arabia.  Admittedly there are many things I must suck up, overlook, or ignore - otherwise it would drive me crazy.  Yesterday's post was about Saudi National Day, celebrating the birthday of this country.  Today I felt that I had to share an astounding article written by a young Saudi female university professor named Bayan Perazzo entitled "Why I Refuse to Celebrate Saudi National Day."  

On her Twitter account, Bayan describes herself as "a liberal feminist and excellent driver stuck in the wrong country."  She is a PhD candidate in International Law and Human Rights, holds a Master's Degree in Middle Eastern Politics and Islamic Law, and a Bachelor's degree in Sociology.  It is because of Saudi women like Bayan that I continue to have hope, as many here in Saudi Arabia do, that one day, among other things, this country will treat its women and foreign workers with the respect they deserve. The sheer gumption and courage this articulate young woman shows by speaking out like she does in a country that does not have freedom of speech and denies women their rights will amaze you.  This article will educate you and wow you.  Do yourself a favor and read it.  Your brain will thank you for it.  Follow Bayan on Twitter: @BintBattuta87 

CLICK HERE to read "Why I Refuse to Celebrate Saudi National Day."  

To read more thought provoking articles by Bayan, CLICK HERE.  

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Our World: Saudi National Day

September 23 is celebrated in Saudi Arabia as Saudi National Day, the day when in 1932 the country officially became a unified kingdom under King Abdulaziz.  Oddly enough, this holiday was not really celebrated until just a few short years ago.   The reason for why this holiday was not celebrated for so many years lies in the question of whether or not such celebrations are forbidden by Islam.  This question was an ongoing debate amongst religious scholars until the current king and his government voiced their support of the holiday.  With each passing year since then, the nation's birthday celebrations have gotten bigger and better, with fireworks, speeches and ceremonies, face painting, special events, shouting in the streets, special shopping sales, and a general sense of happiness and pride.

On this day, Saudi Arabia becomes awash in a sea of green (the color of the Saudi flag) with many items specially available to wear, banners, flags, balloons, and decorations. 

Be sure to visit OUR WORLD TUESDAY, where family-friendly bloggers share a unique glimpse into what life is like all around our ever-amazing planet.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Jeddah: Romero Restaurant

This is an interior shot of Jeddah's upscale restaurant Romero which features Meditteranean cuisine.  In addition to the open dining area, there are also private dining areas available which are great for a romantic meal.  The service is attentive, the ambiance is elegant, warm and comfortable, and the food is good.  Be prepared to pay more than you would at an average restaurant.

Romero's Restaurant, 8183 Abdul Maqsud Khoja St, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.  Phone  966 12 263 0263

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Dona Nobis Pacem

Dona Nobis Pacem - is Latin for "Grant Us Peace."   

Today is the United Nations International Day of Peace 2014, also known as World Peace Day.   First celebrated in 1982, it is observed every year on September 21st

I am a Peace Blogger.   I live in Saudi Arabia.  

This is my show of support for all those working in the world to achieve peace. 

May we all live to see it become a reality in our lifetime. 

#blog4peace #blogblast4peace

Jeddah: Neon Chairs

These colorful neon chairs outside a local Jeddah business caught my eye. When business is slow, oftentimes employees will sit outside businesses waiting for customers, especially in the evenings when it is cooler.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Jeddah: Faux Windows

I got a kick out of the faux windows on this building in Jeddah, painted on to match the architectural details of the building. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

SkyWatch: Beautiful Rawasheen

One of my favorite architectural features of Jeddah's unique buildings are the carved lattice work window coverings called roshan (single), or rawasheen (plural).  These allow for privacy and conducting air flow throughout the buildings.


To  visit MORE friendly skies around the world, fly on over to SKYWATCH  where you’ll find beautiful skies posted by bloggers all over the world.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Menu Items

I thought it was cute the way the word "sliced" was overused on this menu selection.

Since pork products of any kind are strictly forbidden within the country, this menu item stressed that the bacon and ham are made from beef.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Arabic: Guess the Logo

Can you guess this Arabic logo of a major worldwide mall chain retailer?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Our World: Balad Old Door

The old sector of Jeddah is called Al Balad, which in Arabic means the city center.  Amidst the hustle and bustle of this busy district are examples of the interesting old architectural styles of Jeddah.  Unfortunately many of these ancient buildings are crumbling and decaying.  One constant threat is fire due to shoddy electrical wiring. 
I love the arch, the wood carving, and the paint colors of this old door.  I also delight in the bird perched above the doorway.

Many of the old doors like this one feature a smaller door within the larger door, as can be seen in the photo above.

This details of this door have a South Beach art nouveau feel.

Wouldn't it be cool to have this old door at the entry to your home?

Be sure to visit OUR WORLD TUESDAY, where family-friendly bloggers share a unique glimpse into what life is like all around our ever-amazing planet.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Jeddah: Rifle Shop and Gun Control

While handguns in Saudi Arabia seem to be forbidden, hunting rifles are sold in KSA.  It's rare to read about crimes committed here using guns of any kind.  Traditionally men in smaller villages bring rifles to weddings and fire them off, which can have disastrous results.  Target practice is usually done out in the desert.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Jeddah: After School

This is the scene across the street from a boys school here in Jeddah shortly after dismissal.  School boys hanging out after school, grabbing a cold drink and shooting the breeze with friends.  The school day lasts from about 7am-12noon here.  Culturally, girls would not be allowed to hang out like this.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Jeddah: Home Decor

Mixing patterns.  Unique design choices.  Tiling the entire exterior of buildings is chosen quite frequently here in Saudi Arabia to be the finished look.  Paint is not a popular option due to the harsh environmental conditions, such as heat, humidity, and dust.  This is an older villa that seems to be in need of some updating. 

I'm back!  Thank you for your patience as I took a break from blogging during the summer.