
Monday, September 15, 2014

Jeddah: Rifle Shop and Gun Control

While handguns in Saudi Arabia seem to be forbidden, hunting rifles are sold in KSA.  It's rare to read about crimes committed here using guns of any kind.  Traditionally men in smaller villages bring rifles to weddings and fire them off, which can have disastrous results.  Target practice is usually done out in the desert.


  1. You do see that in archival footage, men firing in the air- it never seems to occur to them that there's a little something called gravity.

    1. Hi William - Too often, men have been killed or injured at weddings when they fire off guns to celebrate. I saw one video of a wedding in Yemen where this guy was dancing with a machine gun and he ended up killing three other men. Stupidity. What I don't understand is why they go to a wedding with bullets in the guns...

  2. The practice of shooting weapons in random directions seems crazy.


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