
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Our World Jeddah: Cat and Door

I love the character of the old buildings in Al Balad, the oldest part of Jeddah, which is more than 1400 years old.  Many of the door frames are crooked - this one actually is not too bad, but still visibly not aligned straight.  Since many of these buildings were built prior to electricity, most have been unsafely wired for electricity.  It is common to hear of buildings in Al Balad destroyed by electrical fires.  Feral cats are plentiful all over Jeddah.  They depend on the kindest of people for food and they are often seen hanging around garbage dumpsters.


Be sure to visit OUR WORLD TUESDAY, where family-friendly bloggers share a unique glimpse into what life is like all around our ever-amazing planet.


  1. This little one reminds me of a cat I saw here earlier today and said hello to.

  2. A purrfect model to show off that building.

  3. Great shot of the door ~ very creative ~ sad for the cat and the other feral cats there in Jedah ~

    Happy Week to you.
    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  4. How lovely! Great shot of the cat and old door. I do hope the cat takes very good care of himself....

  5. Great shot, love the cute kitty and the old door. Thanks for sharing, have a happy week!


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