
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Jeddah: Lock and Chain

Another lovely old carved door in Jeddah's Al Balad district.  I like the lock and chain.  The little stickers on the wall are likely for restaurants to deliver food.  Since women are not allowed to drive in this country, nearly all restaurants offer delivery, even fast food restaurants like McDonalds and Burger King.  


  1. Too bad this lovely door needs padlocking. By the way, heard Saudi women over 30 may be able to drive. And, as long as it is during day and without wearing make-up or something. This has to be maddening for Saudi women.

    1. Hi Misty - There was a denial in the local Saudi papers about the validity of that driving story by the Shoura Council. It's not happenning - not yet anyway. An unnamed member of the Shoura Council allegedly spoke to the AP, and the AP went with the story. Either it was someone pretending to be on the Shoura, or it was a hoax. The Shoura Council is an ineffective legislative body which has no real power to pass anything into law. All they can do is make recommendations. It is an advisory board with no authority to act.

  2. No it's not a restaurant , what is written is Water and Sewerage Authority in western province Customer Services Department .

    1. Hi MoTaMa - I didn't say this was a restaurant. I said that the little stickers on the sides of the door are probably for restaurants to deliver food to this building. People register their locations with restaurants for food delivery and the stickers identify where to deliver the food.


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