
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Jeddah: Yellow Business Signs

One business after another using a lot of yellow for their business signs.  I kinda like it.


  1. Yellow would seem to fit in with the general tones of the landscape beyond the city, after all.

  2. Have you looked at the scaffolding. Not level, not right angles. One wonders if they have any concept of safety.

    1. You're absolutely right, Jerry. Lack of simple safety regulations can produce catastrophic results here in KSA. I'm appalled when I see things like expat workers using welding equipment without even wearing goggles, or other workers operating huge heavy equipment wearing their flowing traditional garb and sandals. But then again, this is the land where it's okay for little boys to drive around carloads of helpless women who cannot possibly drive themselves because "it's unsafe" for them to do so.


I welcome your comments and questions, but please be nice!