
Saturday, January 9, 2016

Jeddah: Red Lobster Family Entrance

Restaurants in Saudi Arabia generally have an entrance and eating section for families and another separate entrance and eating area for single men.  Strict gender segregation is part of the culture here, and it is one of the things that bothers me most about life here.  It is unnatural, and after 8 years here, I still haven't gotten used to it or grown to like it at all.

I personally happen to feel that the severe gender segregation in Saudi Arabia causes more problems than it is trying to prevent - as a result, many men have no idea how to behave themselves around women, harassing them, calling them nasty names, and saying inappropriate things.  There is also a very high divorce rate here - many young men and women have an unrealistic idea of relationships and marriage and many couples do not really know one another very well when they marry.  The gender segregation also seems to promote homosexuality, a reality which Saudi Arabia prefers to deny the existence of.


  1. You make a good case against gender segregation, Susie.
    It's a cute photo, though. :)

  2. I would find it problematic too... from the outside looking in, the country seems very bizarre.

  3. There is an element of this in the entire Muslim world.

  4. Is homosexuality a problem?

    1. No. The gender segregation is the problem, as far as I am concerned. I guess I didn't word that last sentence correctly.


I welcome your comments and questions, but please be nice!