
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Mosque Street Scene

A very typical street scene in Jeddah featuring a mosque.  Notice the disabled / abandoned car on the left.  Jeddah has a huge problem with disabled and abandoned vehicles left sitting in the streets.  I think the problem would be alleviated if the owners of these vehicles were levied with big fines and also charged to have the vehicles towed away.  


  1. It's not that typical entirely. I believe only three or four districts out of over 20+ Jeddah districts look like this and they are all concentrated in the south and east of Jeddah, the very oldest parts of the city, mostly where those in the lower income scale live. None-the-less, it would only take the Municipality a couple of days to clean that street up.

    1. Hi Essam - I live in the north part of Jeddah and this pic was taken in north / newer Jeddah. I am on a mission to get action done regarding the abandoned vehicles that are a blight on the city's landscape. I have published many photos of these cars and have written many times about this problem.

  2. The mosque certainly does stand out. Here cars would be towed at the expense of the owner.

  3. Do you have any idea of why cars are abandoned? I assume cars are paid for with cash, so my assumption is that they owner cannot afford to fix them.

    1. Hi Jerry - When it rains in Jeddah, it floods and the number of abandoned cars increases dramatically. My guess is that the cars are irreparably damaged, so the owners just leave them wherever instead of paying to have them hauled off. Cars that have been totaled in accidents are also left just sitting on the streets too.


I welcome your comments and questions, but please be nice!