
Monday, March 12, 2018

Saudi Arabia's Dromedary Camel

This camel was resting in the shade of a bush in the desert.  Yes, that's camel poop in the lower left corner of the top photo - pretty small for such a large animal, don't ya think?  That scar on the camel's hip is actually a branding mark indicating its owner.

Camels are well suited for desert survival.  Its long legs keep its body farther from the hot desert sand, keeping it cooler.  The soles of the camel's feet have a thick built in pad like the sole of a shoe which allows the camel to walk on the hot desert sand and rocks without feeling the heat at all.  Camel's eyes have lustrously long thick eyelashes which give protection from the sun and blowing sand.

Even the camel's nostrils and ears are designed to keep sand out while at the same time allowing for optimum function.  Its tough hide is covered with hair and tufts of hair in some places, providing protection from the hot sun and sandstorms.  And of course everyone knows that the dromedary camel's hump is made up of fat, which can be converted into energy for the animal when needed.  This unique capability allows the camel to survive in the desert for several days at a time without food or water.


  1. They are superbly evolved for their environment.

  2. In that first shot, was the camel making noise or just "yawning"?
    The hair standing up on its hump looks like a Mohawk haircut. :)
    Nice that the camels cooperate in your photographing, Susie.


I welcome your comments and questions, but please be nice!