
Friday, November 1, 2019

Brown "Roshan" Window Coverings - SkyWatch and Theme Day

One of the most beautiful features of the buildings of Old Jeddah, called Al Balad, is the lovely window coverings often made of latticed wood.  They are usually stained brown or painted in shades of green, blue, or red.  Many of the older dilapidated roshan have been replaced  with newer ones as the surviving buildings are renovated.

I am back from an extended absence of several months from Saudi Arabia.  Summers are just too hot for me here.  It's still pretty warm now but it should start cooling off soon. It's good to be back though... 

To  visit MORE friendly skies around the world, fly on over to SKYWATCH  where you’ll find beautiful skies posted by bloggers all over the world.

City Daily Photo is an online community of photo bloggers that share images of life in their cities around the world.  The first of every month is Theme Day for City Daily Photo bloggers.  This month's theme is "Brown."  Be sure to visit the City Daily Photo portal to view other participants' entries for today's theme day.


  1. Very pretty trim. I've seen photos of this kind of wood work before. It was good to hear from you. I hope you had a very nice summer in cooler climes.

  2. I do like these coverings. It's good to hear from you again.

  3. Welcome back! I like the window covering. Very distinctive!

  4. I’ve noticed the window coverings in some of your older posts. I think you would need some sort of shade to protect from the intense sun.

  5. Welcome back Susie. How hot does it get in Jeddah in summer, here in Perth we can get to 39c but not too often. The window coverings are beautifully carved and so perfect for the theme 💛


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