
Monday, November 25, 2019

OurWorld - It's November ...And I'm still Hot

Even though it's late November already, the temperatures are still in the 90s here in Jeddah - and I'm still hot.  We still have our AC on all day and night.

It makes me hotter just seeing cold weather clothing, like jackets and sweaters, in all the mall windows.  This guy on the escalator was even wearing one of those goofy fur lined hats, which I certainly don't understand in 90 degree weather.

Be sure to visit OUR WORLD TUESDAY, where family-friendly bloggers share a unique glimpse into what life is like all around our ever-amazing planet.


  1. I do suppose some winter nights can get cold there.

    1. Hi William - even in winter, there are very few nights when we don't have the AC on here. It's so dry that the dust is a year round problem, so I don't open the windows much like I can when I'm in Seattle for the summer.

  2. I’ve had a great time scrolling around Jeddah as a first time visitor (virtual, through your interesting posts). The weather story in this post reminds me of Florida, where we spend the winter (we will be leaving Oregon for our winter home there next week). I’ll be mostly wearing capris and tshirts.... but , based on ads and stories in the paper, some native Floridians apparently buy fur coats just because they can and the calendar says it’s winter. (Those people are so out of my league on so many levels). .... thanks for visiting my blog and thereby giving me the opportunity to learn about yours! I look forward to learning more about Jeddah.

    1. Thanks, Sallie - We actually moved to Saudi from FL where we had lived for 14 years. I think there was only one winter in all that time when we actually used our heating system. I did enjoy having the windows open in the winters there in FL.


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