
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Skywatch - Minarets and Clouds

To  visit MORE friendly skies around the world, fly on over to SKYWATCH  where you’ll find beautiful skies posted by bloggers all over the world.


  1. These Minarets look so high. You made it look more impressive by the angles you shown. Love it Susie, have a great weekend ahead :)

  2. Those are cool shots. A thought popped up in my head. "Tulsa has a Mosque, I wonder if they have a minaret?" A few minutes with Google and it looks like they have kind of a short symbolic minaret. They are closed right now like all other places of worship but maybe when they open back up maybe I can go get my own version of Skywatch minaret shot.

  3. That seems like a perfect combination since minarets reside near and sometimes in the clouds. Wonderful sky!
    I hope you are staying well....and cool.

  4. I like those minarets, reaching into the heavens :)


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