
Thursday, May 28, 2020

The VIP Obsession in Saudi Arabia

I've posted many times in the past about the obsession with businesses here in Saudi Arabia the use of the term "VIP" to describe their services. It is so over-used here that its lost all effective meaning. The first photo in today's post features a dry cleaning establishment which actually says "VPI" on the sign. It appears like those letters are quite faded, but it's still visible.  So we have a VPI/VIP dry cleaning service here in Jeddah, which I'm sure makes its customers feel VERY important.

The 2nd photo features two VIP businesses next door to each, which makes it very convenient for VIP customers who are looking for a salon and hookah pipes.  The last picture is of a VIP men's salon.  The most commonVIP businesses I've seen here are salons and hookah shops, but the dry cleaners is a new one for me.

When I asked my husband about this over used obsession here in Saudi Arabia with businesses claiming to be VIP, he told me that these businesses are trying to attract Very Idiotic People!

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