Saturday, August 29, 2020

Jeddah Live Seafood in Supermarket

Maybe this is common in other places around the world, but the other day when we were grocery shopping at a supermarket we hadn't been to in a while, we saw a large tank filled with live fish and lobsters.  Can't get any fresher than that!  I've seen smaller tanks with lobsters in Red Lobster Restaurants, but never in a supermarket before.  For any locals who might interested, I believe this was at HyperPanda.   


Sharon said...

I've only seen that once in a grocery store. There used to be an Asian Market that sold live fish like that. It's gone now.

Tom said...

...some stores here have lobsters in tanks, but I've never seen fish in a tank!

Marie Smith said...

Makes me smile to see tanks of fish. We take seafood for granted here.

Bill said...

I remember seeing one in a grocery store when I was a kid. I use to like watching the lobsters. I've never seen tanks with fish in them, only lobster.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Have seen here also Susie. Love white fish but wouldn't be happy to meet it first 😉