Monday, August 31, 2020

Typical City Building

Many multi-story buildings in Jeddah have business space on the ground level and floors of apartments above.  

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Jeddah - In the Shade

Hard laborers here in Jeddah seek out shade when and wherever they can.  As you can imagine, it's extremely hot, dare I say unbearable, here in the summer months and just being in the shade makes a huge difference and can drop the temperature by several degrees.  

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Jeddah Live Seafood in Supermarket

Maybe this is common in other places around the world, but the other day when we were grocery shopping at a supermarket we hadn't been to in a while, we saw a large tank filled with live fish and lobsters.  Can't get any fresher than that!  I've seen smaller tanks with lobsters in Red Lobster Restaurants, but never in a supermarket before.  For any locals who might interested, I believe this was at HyperPanda.   

Friday, August 28, 2020

Elegant Minaret

The minaret of this mosque is very elegant and graceful, don't you think?  In addition to the minaret, many mosques also have a dome (or several).  Both the minaret and the domes are often topped with the symbol of the crescent moon.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Mall Entrance Architecture

I think the design of the entrance to this mall was rather unusual with the blue glass cubes at the top, contrasting the curved front with pillars and all those large cement spheres. My thought is that the spheres are to protect the entrance from vehicles crashing into it - we have some crazy drivers here in Saudi Arabia!

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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Mosque Near Bird and Animal Souk

I like the minaret on this mosque. Notice the loud speakers located on it for the calls to prayer.  

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Jeddah Wedding Venues

Wedding halls can be found all over Jeddah in every neighborhood. Many are quite elegant - fancy schmancy.  Because of strict gender segregation customs in the past, weddings are usually separate events for men and women.  Slowly some families are opting for mixed weddings, but it's still not the norm.

Many times the bride's event is held on a different date and different venue than the groom's event.  On occasion, they might be held on the same night at the same location at a wedding hall that offers separated entrances and separated ballrooms, as seen in the photo below.

Be sure to visit OUR WORLD TUESDAY, where family-friendly bloggers share a unique glimpse into what life is like all around our ever-amazing planet.  

This post is linked to My Corner of the World. Do check out the other posts from bloggers from all over the world. 

My Corner of the World

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Divine Pistacchio Cake and Other Treats

A favorite restaurant of mine in Jeddah is Maison de Zaid.  It offers delectable specialty desserts in addition to a full menu with a Middle Eastern flair for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  One of their specialties is pistacchio cake which tastes as divine as it looks. 

They offer many other fine and fun treats, like fruity tarts and an unusual caramel cake topped with caramel popcorn. 

I haven't been to a restaurant in such a long time now. I am dreaming of all the great restaurants here in Jeddah and longing for the day when I can revisit them. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Red Crescent

The red crescent is emergency medical services and clinics, much like the familiar red cross symbol in America.  

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Sculpture Against the Sky

It's difficult to get a good photo of this particular sculpture since it is located on a busy roadway and it's impossible to stop and take a photo. I believe this is the work of German artist Ottmar Hollman, as many of his sculptures in Jeddah are similar in composition and materials. He preferred working in cast alloy, with intricate carved designs on his pieces. Hollman made a total of 12 works of art for the city of Jeddah, with several of his sculptures being among the most well known and beloved in the city.  I'm not sure of the name of this sculpture but I'm pretty sure it's the work of Hollman. 

To  visit MORE friendly skies around the world, fly on over to SKYWATCH  where you’ll find beautiful skies posted by bloggers all over the world.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Sweets for the Sweet Tooth

I adore looking in the bakery at the beautiful displays of cakes and other sweets.  Saudis in general have a real sweet tooth. 

Saudi hospitality dictates that sweets and tea or juice are automatically offered to guests.  So it's no surprise that diabetes and obesity contribute to health issues of the citizenry. 

My husband does not have a sweet tooth, but I do - but he's very good about not caving in to my cravings all the time.  Honestly I have found that these scrumptious looking treats oftentimes don't exactly taste as good as they look.  So I manage to find joy and satisfaction in just looking and taking photos!

This post is linked to My Corner of the World. Do check out the other posts from bloggers from all over the world. 
My Corner of the World

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Jeddah Social Distancing Signs

Things have opened back up here but I wouldn't say things are back to normal.  Most shops have signs for social distancing rules.

Some limit the number of customers allowed in smaller shops, and there are signs requiring masks as well. 

Be sure to visit OUR WORLD TUESDAY, where family-friendly bloggers share a unique glimpse into what life is like all around our ever-amazing planet.  

Monday, August 17, 2020

Making Extra Money

It's common to see men selling animals out of their trucks right before holidays here in Saudi Arabia.  To earn some extra money, some men purchase lambs and goats at the market, drive to a high visibility area and then sell them for a profit out of their trucks.

Be sure to visit OUR WORLD TUESDAY, where family-friendly bloggers share a unique glimpse into what life is like all around our ever-amazing planet.  

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Camel Humps and Scars

Like other animals, camels develop a thick warm winter coat for the colder months. When the weather warms up, they shed the excess fur, oftentimes in chunky clumps.  The last to go is usually atop its hump. 

Many camels have scars on their bodies and legs from running into barbed wire, which is used to corral the animals. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Camel Profiles and Brand

This post shows the wide variation of colors that camels in Saudi Arabia come in. One humped dromedary camels are native to the kindgom.  Camels are brilliantly designed to live in hot desert climates like Saudi Arabia. Thick padding on their knees and chests allows camels to rest comfortably on the hot sand.  They have the capability of completely closing their nostrils during sandstorms, plus they have 3 sets of eyelids and an extra row of eyelashes to keep blowing sand out of their eyes.  Their thick but pliable lips give them access to thorny desert plants for nourishment, which are inaccessible to other creatures. 

Contrary to popular belief, camel humps do not store water - the humps store fat which enable them to go for months without other nourishment. Camels can run as fast as 40 miles an hour! The gestation period is 14 months. Branding with a hot iron is common, but spray paint branding is also done. The Arabic word for camel that I am familiar with is "jamel," but there are more than 160 different terms for camel in Arabic! 

To  visit MORE friendly skies around the world, fly on over to SKYWATCH  where you’ll find beautiful skies posted by bloggers all over the world.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

White Camel

I still get a thrill when I see camels here in Saudi Arabia.  White camels are much more rare than camels that come in every shade of brown imaginable.  My husband likes to get fresh camel milk which is reputedly healthier for humans than cow's milk. It's great in coffee and for making things like flan. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020