Monday, December 10, 2018

Our World: No Doubt, This is Jeddah!

Jeddah's new attractve waterfront has become a haven for residents to spend relaxing time with their families.  One of the main attractions is the Jeddah sign, which spells out the city's name in larger-than-life turquoise blue letters.

The Red Sea is the sign's backdrop, accented with palm trees.  At night the large letters light up and can be seen from quite a distance.

A big "Thanks" to my friend and amazing photographer Abdullah Yahya for allowing me to share these beautiful photos for today's post.  Stay tuned for more fantastic pics from around Saudi Arabia taken by Abdullah.  Follow him on Instagram and Twitter @ayaa1977

Be sure to visit OUR WORLD TUESDAY, where family-friendly bloggers share a unique glimpse into what life is like all around our ever-amazing planet.


William Kendall said...

A pretty sign in day and night!

Photo Cache said...

Happy Holidays from this side of the world to your side!

Worth a Thousand Words

Joyful said...

The photos of the sign are gorgeous.