Monday, October 5, 2020

Saudi Arabia - We Three Kings

This was a display at a recent celebratory art event for Saudi Arabian National Day which was last week. Many works of art were on display.  Featured here are elegantly framed photos fit for a king - make that three kings.  In the center is the very first king of Saudi Arabia, King Abdulaziz, known as Ibn Saud, who united the tribes of the territories to form the nation.  Ibn. Saudi ruled from 1932 until 1953. All rulers since then have been Ibn Saud's sons.  His photo is displayed here along with two of his descendants.  

This is the current king of Saudi Arabia, King Salman.  He is the 7th king and is the last immediate son of Ibn Saud who will hold that position.  He is now 84 years old.  

The Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) is King Salman's son and is the heir apparent.  He is only 35 years old.  He would be the first grandson of Ibn Saud to become king, if that is how it all plays out.  

Many thanks to my friend Abid Gary Jan for allowing me to share these photos from this event with you.  Abid shares his love for Jeddah and Saudi Arabia on his Facebook pages - Jeddah Awaits You and Saudi Heritage & Tourism.



Tom said...

...I have a problem with this king stuff, and Trump wants to be one.

Marie Smith said...

I didn’t know the line of succession. Thank you for sharing.

William Kendall said...

Well set up.