Vacant lots in Jeddah can be a real eyesore. They become a dumping ground for garbage, construction rubble, and God knows what else. Any vacant lot in Jeddah seems to be fair game. I personally would hate living next door to something like this. How depressing.

So weird to see the junk pile next to those beautiful buildings.
I spent time in Memphis Tennessee and saw trash in parks but nothing on the scale of what you have shown in your photos of Saudi Arabia. It is as if the people don't even realize how disgusting it is.
It astounds and disgusts me. I just don't get it and I never will. I don't know if the problem is that people expect someone else to clean up after them, or if there are so many foreign workers from poor countries who don't really care. Either way, it's an absolutely horrible problem.
More than a year ago, a new law came into effect that would fine people for littering. I don't believe there has been any enforcement of the measure and it hasn't help solve the problem at all. It's a shame.
I think this is true everywhere.
It may be true in many places around the world, but I know in many areas of the US, there are effective laws for proper disposal of garbage, anti-littering awareness, and planning and zoning laws that would prohibit this type of eyesore. I've been to other countries too where I did not see things like this.
I agree with Rajesh. Its the same here.
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