Monday, December 2, 2019

OurWorld - Saudi Arabia Women Working

When I first moved to Jeddah in 2007, I rarely saw women working.  At that time women were only allowed to work in the fields of education (at all female facilities only) or in the medical sector.  This was largely due to the severe gender segregation in this society.

A few short years ago, that all changed.  The change began when the king at the time made a new law that businesses catering to females, such as cosmetics and lingerie, must employ female clerks to attend to female customers.

That was further expanded a short time later to allow women to work in ALL sectors, loosening the strict gender segregation customs.  

I still get excited and happy when I see Saudi women working in all sorts of positions, ranging from security to management, from call centers to jewelry counters, from tourism to the entertainment arena (now that movie theaters are popping up here again).

Saudi women are strong, intelligent, capable, and motivated.  Seeing them leading more normal lives now on parr with other women around the world is quite satisfying and encouraging to me.  

Be sure to visit OUR WORLD TUESDAY, where family-friendly bloggers share a unique glimpse into what life is like all around our ever-amazing planet.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

It really is hard for us to understand Susie, but I am so very happy that women can now participate in jobs we take for granted ✨

Dina said...

Hi Susie! The progress is very encouraging! I'm happy to hear it.